Intensive Bootcamp Fullstack Web Development

Program intensif yang didesain untuk mencetak Fullstack Web Developer yang siap terjun di industri dan dunia professional.

Beginner 4.8(1743 Peringkat) 2376 Siswa Terdaftar
Dibuat Oleh Bootcamp Vocasia Diperbarui Senin, 02-01-2023 Bahasa

Kemampuan yang akan saya raih

  • Menguasai Fullstack Web Development menggunakan MERN


341 Pelajaran ⚬ 801j31m9d
Introduction HTML (Week 1-2)
43 Pelajaran ⚬ 11j1m54d
  • Pengenalan Web 8m50d
  • Pengenalan HTML 9m33d
  • Pengenalan Web Hosting (Optional) 3m25d
  • Persiapan 1m51d
  • Membuat Project 12m30d
  • Hello World 12m30d
  • Menjalankan Web di Komputer 12m30d
  • Menjalankan Web di Web Hosting 12m30d
  • Penamaan File HTML 12m30d
  • Heading 12m30d
  • Paragraph 12m30d
  • Entities 12m30d
  • Break Line 12m30d
  • Style 12m30d
  • Formatting 12m30d
  • Comment 12m30d
  • Color 12m30d
  • List 12m30d
  • Link 12m30d
  • Quiz HTML W1
  • Image 12m30d
  • Picture 12m30d
  • Computer Code 12m30d
  • Emoji 12m30d
  • Head 12m30d
  • Favicon 12m30d
  • Block and Inline 12m30d
  • Video 12m30d
  • Audio 12m30d
  • HTML 5 12m30d
  • Inline Frame 12m30d
  • Table 12m30d
  • Semantic 12m30d
  • Layout 12m30d
  • Responsive 12m30d
  • ID 12m30d
  • Tag Lainnya 12m30d
  • Source Code
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript (Recorded) 1j6m24d
  • Quiz HTML W2
  • Pertemuan 2 (Recorded) 49m46d
  • Pertemuan 3 (Recorded) 1j5m35d
  • Pertemuan 4 (Recorded) 56m30d
  • Why do we need CSS 12m30d
  • How to add CSS 12m30d
  • Adding CSS Source
  • CSS Selectors 12m30d
  • CSS Selectors Source
  • Project Colour Vocab Website 12m30d
  • Color Vocab Project Source
  • CSS Colours 7m6d
  • CSS Colors Source
  • Font Properties 21m27d
  • Font Properties Source
  • Inspecting CSS 11m53d
  • The CSS Box Model Margin Padding and Border 20m46d
  • CSS Box Model Source
  • Project Motivational Poster Website 7m38d
  • Motivation Meme Project Source
  • The Cascade Specificity and Inheritance 25m29d
  • CSS Cascade Source
  • Combining CSS Selectors 23m13d
  • Combining Selectors Source
  • CSS Positioning 22m51d
  • CSS Positioning Source
  • Project CSS Flag 17m55d
  • Flag Project Source
  • Display Flex 14m22d
  • Display Flex Source
  • Flex Direction 13m44d
  • Flex Direction Source
  • Flex Layout 19m23d
  • Flex Sizing 24m28d
  • Project Pricing Table 10m8d
  • Flexbox Pricing Table Project Source
  • Display Grid 14m56d
  • Display Grid Source
  • Grid Sizing 23m33d
  • Grid Sizing Source
  • Grid Placement 26m18d
  • Grid Placement Source
  • Project Mondrian Painting 6m46d
  • Mondrian Project Source
  • What is Bootstrap 15m36d
  • Bootstrap Intro Source
  • Bootstrap Layout 21m14d
  • Bootstrap Components 31m40d
  • Bootstrap Components Source
  • Project TinDog Startup Website 31m23d
  • TinDog Project Source
  • Introduction to CSS (Recorded) 1j9m18d
  • CSS Flexbox (Recorded) 1j14m43d
  • Quiz CSS W3
  • Pertemuan 5 (Recorded) 1j15m10d
  • Introduction to Version Control and Git 2m36d
  • Version Control Using Git and the Command Line 15m3d
  • GitHub and Remote Repositories 11m1d
  • Gitignore 10j12m3d
  • Cloning 10j5m6d
  • Branching and Merging 10j17m26d
  • Forking and Pull Requests 10j17m10d
  • Introduction to Javascript 10j11m50d
  • Javascript Alerts Adding Behaviour to Websites 10j14m21d
  • Data Types 10j4m7d
  • Javascript Variables 10j9m36d
  • Javascript Variables Exercise 10j2m49d
  • Javascript Variables Exercise Solution 10j3m28d
  • Naming and Naming Conventions for Javascript Variables 10j7m10d
  • String Concatenation 10j3m8d
  • String Lengths and Retrieving the Number of Characters 10j6m25d
  • Slicing and Extracting Parts of a String 10j8m57d
  • Challenge Changing Casing in Text 10j3m40d
  • Challenge Changing String Casing Solution 10j9m
  • Basic Arithmetic and the Modulo Operator in Javascript 10j6m15d
  • Increment and Decrement Expressions 10j2m29d
  • Functions Part 1 Creating and Calling Functions 10j10m36d
  • Functions Part 1 Challenge The Karel Robot 10j9m9d
  • Functions Part 2 Parameters and Arguments 10j9m53d
  • Life in Weeks Solution 10j3m45d
  • Functions Part 3 Outputs Return Values 10j11m17d
  • Challenge Create a BMI Calculator 10j1m50d
  • Challenge BMI Calculator Solution 10j5m40d
  • Introduction to Javascript (Recorded) 58m42d
  • Fuction, Array, Object Literal (Recorded) 1j21m42d
  • Quiz GIT dan Introduction JS W4
  • Pertemuan 6 (Recorded) 1j9m
  • Pendahuluan 11m55d
  • Pengenalan Javascript 9m55d
  • Program Hello World 5m11d
  • Tipe Data Number 6m17d
  • Tipe Data Boolean 2m31d
  • Tipe Data String 10j11m50d
  • Variable 10j21m29d
  • Operator Matematika 10j5m34d
  • Operator Perbandingan 13m19d
  • Operator Logika 7m37d
  • Console 7m37d
  • String Template 11m37d
  • Konversi String dan Number 14m51d
  • Tipe Data Array 18m29d
  • Tipe Data Object 11m45d
  • If Expression 11m49d
  • Popup 7m32d
  • Undefined 7m58d
  • Null 3m25d
  • Switch Expression 5m53d
  • Operator typeof 4m10d
  • Operator in 6m19d
  • Ternary Operator 4m50d
  • Nullisth Coalesting Operator 5m22d
  • Optional Chaining 7m44d
  • Falsy dan Truthy 7m18d
  • Operator Logika di Non Boolean 9m21d
  • For Loop 8m4d
  • While Loop 2m2d
  • Do While Loop 3m30d
  • Break dan Continue 6m3d
  • Label 6m16d
  • For In 5m12d
  • For Of 4m44d
  • With Statement 6m42d
  • Function 6m31d
  • Function Parameter 5m2d
  • Function Return Value 14m42d
  • Optional Parameter 4m6d
  • Default Parameter 4m40d
  • Rest Parameter 13m10d
  • Function Sebagai Value 6m25d
  • Anonymous Function 3m10d
  • Function dalam Function 3m10d
  • Scope 11m41d
  • Recursive Function 8m52d
  • Getter dan Setter 8m21d
  • Masalah Variable var 6m18d
  • Destructuring 12m30d
  • Strict Mode 12m30d
  • Debugger 12m30d
  • Basic Javascript (Recorded) 1j30m43d
  • Random Number Generation in [removed] Building a Love Calculator 11m16d
  • Control Statements: Using If-Else Conditionals & Logic 4m49d
  • Comparators and Equality 2m52d
  • Combining Comparators 2m47d
  • Introducing the Leap Year Code Challenge 4m17d
  • Leap Year Solution 3m4d
  • Collections: Working with Javascript Arrays 9m2d
  • Adding Elements and Intermediate Array Techniques 15m59d
  • Who's Buying Lunch Solution 3m44d
  • Control Statements: While Loops 7m53d
  • Control Statements: For Loops 7m53d
  • Introducing the Fibonacci Code Challenge 6m38d
  • Fibonacci Solution 8m17d
  • Pertemuan 7 (Recorded) 1j56m27d
  • Pengenalan Object Oriented Programming 7m54d
  • Membuat Constructor Function 7m37d
  • Property di Constructor Function 5m35d
  • Method di Constructor Function 3m41d
  • Parameter di Constructor Function 3m3d
  • Constructor Inheritance 6m14d
  • Prototype 13m25d
  • Prototype Inheritance 11m30d
  • Class 2m59d
  • Constructor di Class 3m19d
  • Property di Class 2m13d
  • Method di Class 4m27d
  • Class Inheritance 6m11d
  • Super Constructor 6m44d
  • Super Method 5m4d
  • Getter dan Setter di Class 4m32d
  • Public Class Field 6m54d
  • Private Class Field 5m25d
  • Operator instanceof 6m33d
  • Static Field 5m47d
  • Static Method 2m38d
  • Error Handling 10m40d
  • Membuat Class Error 6m13d
  • Iterable dan Iterator 14m36d
  • Pengenalan DOM 4m58d
  • Membuat Project 55d
  • Document 9m11d
  • Node 13m34d
  • Element 13m46d
  • NodeList 13m46d
  • Attr 8m45d
  • NamedNodeMap 3m39d
  • Text Node 6m12d
  • Event Handler 11m27d
  • Event 9m31d
  • Style 6m19d
  • Inner Text dan Inner HTML 8m17d
  • Window 6m52d
  • Query Selector 16m25d
  • Node Type 4m50d
  • HTML Element 4m37d
  • HTML Form Element 13m7d
  • HTML Table Element 5m46d
  • HTML Element Lainnya 2m50d
  • Quiz Javascript Advance (Intermediate, OOP, DOM) W5
  • Adding Success and Failure Pages 10j8m56d
  • Deploying Your Server with Heroku 10j18m4d
  • Backend Web Development Explained 15m14d
  • Backend Tools and Technologies 5m40d
  • Why Do We Need APIs 8m51d
  • API Endpoints Paths and Parameters 11m
  • API Authentication and Postman 11m35d
  • What is JSON 4m55d
  • Making GET Requests with the Node HTTPS Module 13m1d
  • How to Parse JSON 13m6d
  • Using Express to Render a Website with Live API Data 8m23d
  • Using Body Parser to Parse POST Requests to the Server 10m6d
  • The Mailchimp API What Youll Make 2m41d
  • Setting Up the Sign Up Page 20m52d
  • Posting Data to Mailchimps Servers via their API 18m38d
  • What is Express ? 10j3m25d
  • Creating Our First Server with Express 10j11m30d
  • Handling Requests and Responses the GET Request 10j8m13d
  • Understanding and Working with Routes 10j9m24d
  • What Well Make A Calculator 10j1m53d
  • Calculator Setup Challenge Solution 10j5m44d
  • Responding to Requests with HTML Files 10j7m41d
  • Processing Post Requests with Body Parser 10j14m20d
  • Solution to the BMI Routing Challenge 10j6m30d
  • Rest API, Express JS with Node JS (Recorded) 1j10m24d
  • Quiz Backend, APIs, Express.js with Node.js W6
  • Pertemuan 8 (Recorded) 1j38m2d
  • Pertemuan 9 (Recorded) 1j23m35d
  • Pertemuan 10 (Recorded) 1j40m8d
  • Introduction to Databases 10j3m47d
  • Comparing SQL vs NoSQL 10j8m11d
  • SQL Commands CREATE Table and INSERT Data 10j13m49d
  • SQL Commands READ, SELECT, and WHERE 10j3m11d
  • Updating Single Values and Adding Columns in SQL 10j4m43d
  • SQL Commands DELETE 10j1m33d
  • Understanding SQL Relationships, Foreign Keys and Inner Joins 10j11m14d
  • Quiz Database & SQL W7
  • Database (Recorded) 1j23m38d
  • Pertemuan 11 (Recorded) 1j38m38d
  • Installing MongoDB on Mac 12m35d
  • Installing MongoDB on Windows 9m21d
  • MongoDB CRUD Operations in the Shell Create 9m37d
  • MongoDB CRUD Operations in the Shell Reading Queries 6m23d
  • Working with The Native MongoDB Driver 19m4d
  • MongoDB CRUD Operations in the Shell Update 4m8d
  • MongoDB CRUD Operations in the Shell Delete 1m46d
  • Relationships in MongoDB 6m13d
  • Introduction to Mongoose 20m27d
  • Reading from Your Database with Mongoose 7m29d
  • Data Validation with Mongoose 7m56d
  • Quiz MongoDB dan Mongoose W8
  • MongoDB dan Mongoose (Recorded) 1j15m30d
  • Pertemuan 12 (Recorded) 1j33m37d
  • Introduction to Authentication 12m30d
  • Getting Set Up 12m30d
  • Level 1 - Register Users with Username and Password 12m30d
  • Level 2 - Database Encryption 12m30d
  • Using Environment Variables to Keep Secrets Safe 12m30d
  • Level 3 - Hashing Passwords 12m30d
  • Hacking 101 ☣️ 12m30d
  • Level 4 - Salting and Hashing Passwords with bcrypt 20m42d
  • What are Cookies and Sessions? 8m20d
  • Using Passport.js to Add Cookies and Sessions 29m31d
  • Finishing Up the App - Letting Users Submit Secrets 13m41d
  • Quiz Authentication & Security W9
  • Authentication & Security (Recorded) 1j32m11d
  • React Props 10j16m45d
  • React Props Practice 10j13m20d
  • Quiz React.js Part 1 W11
  • Pengenalan React (Recorded) 1j11d
  • Pertemuan 13 (Recorded) 1j29d
  • React Dev Tools 10j17m20d
  • Mapping Data to Components 10j10m21d
  • Mapping Data to Components​ Practice 10j17m31d
  • Javascript ES6 Map/Filter/Reduce 10j20m22d
  • Javascript ES6 Arrow functions 10j9m56d
  • Keeper App Project - Part 2 10j10m24d
  • React Conditional Rendering with the Ternary Operator & AND Operator 10j19m25d
  • Conditional Rendering Practice 10j6m34d
  • State in React - Declarative vs. Imperative Programming 10j9m38d
  • React Hooks - useState 10j19m25d
  • useState Hook Practice 10j7m25d
  • Javascript ES6 Object & Array Destructuring 10j17m45d
  • Javascript ​ES6 Destructuring Challenge Solution 10j5m49d
  • Event Handling in React 10j11m11d
  • React Forms 10j13m41d
  • Quiz React.js Part 2 W12
  • React JS Part 2 (Recorded) 1j22m30d
  • Class Components vs. Functional Components 10j6m25d
  • Changing Complex State 10j19m44d
  • Changing Complex State Practice 10j7m9d
  • Javascript ES6 Spread Operator 10j10m59d
  • Javascript ES6 Spread Operator Practice 10j12m21d
  • Managing a Component Tree 10j22m38d
  • Managing a Component Tree Practice 10j8m28d
  • Keeper App Project - Part 3 10j25m6d
  • React Dependencies & Styling the Keeper App 10j16m39d
  • Quiz React.js Part 3 W13
  • React JS Part 3 (Recorded) 1j18m28d
  • React Context (Recorded) 37m30d
  • React Context - (Week 14)
  • Axios - (Week 14)
  • Quiz React Context & Axios W14
  • Penjelasan Tugas Akhir (Recorded) 59m25d


  • Memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil
  • Punya perangkat gadget (terutama laptop) untuk belajar online
+ Tampilkan lebih banyak


Intensive Bootcamp Fullstack Web Development adalah program intensif yang didesain untuk mencetak Fullstack Web Developer yang siap terjun di industri dan dunia professional.

Pembelajaran akan menitikberatkan pada praktik yang terfokus, di mana peserta akan mendapatkan teori dan materi terupdate dari para ahli yang menjadi instruktur. Hal ini akan memperkaya portofolio proyek peserta melalui praktik dan studi kasus yang beragam.

+ Tampilkan lebih banyak

Kursus terkait lainnya

5 5 Rp559.900,- Rp299.000,-
5 6 Rp349.999,- Rp199.000,-
5 3 Rp657.000,- Rp349.000,-
4,5 4 Rp400.000,- Rp350.000,-
5 0 Rp250.000,-
Diperbarui Jumat, 28-10-2022
5 1 Rp750.000,- Rp400.000,-
Diperbarui Selasa, 04-06-2024
5 1 Rp750.000,- Rp250.000,-

Tentang Instruktur

  • 195 Ulasan
  • 198 Murid
  • 21 Kursus
+ Tampilkan lebih banyak merupakan online educational marketplace & learning management system platform untuk berbagi keahlian dan pengetahuan yang terstruktur, Vocasia dapat digunakan secara luas baik untuk individu maupun komunitas dengan harga pelatihan yang terjangkau.

Feedback Siswa

Penilaian rata-rata
  • 3%
  • 0%
  • 3%
  • 8%
  • 88%


  • Robeth Al Ja'sy
    Jumat, 26-01-2024
  • Uti Tiyanum Januarda Saputra
    Kamis, 18-01-2024
  • Adhi Pamungkas Wijayadi
    Kamis, 11-01-2024
  • Muhammad Dhiya’ul Haq
    Senin, 08-01-2024
    Sangat membantu saya dalam belajar
  • Ibnu Faqri
    Kamis, 04-01-2024
Miliki Sekarang
  • 801j31m9d Video permintaan
  • 341 Pelajaran
  • Akses Full Seumur Hidup